创意人员如何在 Behance 上赚钱
Behance 是一个在全球范围内拥有超过 5000 万会员的社区。查看我们的博文在新选项卡中打开,了解他们如何使用 Behance 发展自己的创意工作事业。
- 设置您是否有空承接自由职业工作和全职工作
- 列出您要提供的服务
- 在您的个人资料中展示您的最佳作品
- 设置您自己的价格和时间期限
- 将提案发给客户
- 直接安全地获得报酬
- 赢得客户评论和个人资料徽章
- 优先投放在我们的招聘页面上
用 Behance Pro 让您在创作生涯中大展宏图
- 更好地了解您的客户
- 在 Behance 上赚取更多收入,享受 0% 平台费用
- 在您自己的定制 Adobe Portfolio 网站上展示您的作品
- 通过高级项目设置和专业徽章脱颖而出
从我们的会员那里亲身了解他们如何通过 Behance 发展自己的工作事业。
I've used Behance as my main portfolio for many years, and a lot of clients have discovered me through my Behance portfolio. Through Behance I have found the way to have clients, art exhibitions and publications through my personal artworks!
Behance has given me so many opportunities! I owe a lot (even everything!) to this platform. I think that 70% of my clients come from Behance!
Behance is one of our best new business tools. Many clients have mentioned over the years that they have found us this way.
We love your platform and it has almost become our new website.
I always have been and always will be an advocate for Behance to other creatives because you guys have given us a place to showcase our work to the world. For that I sincerely say thank you.
Behance is now our number one source of new business inquiries and you have been instrumental in this.
I think that Behance is really a positive and fantastic platform, so much that my site links directly to my Behance page. Through Behance, I found a lot of new opportunities and many people were able to know my name.
When asked for advice by other artists I always tell them that Behance is super important and powerful for their career.
连接 Behance 以接受付款
要直接在 Behance 上获得付款,请将您的帐户连接到我们的付款处理合作伙伴 PayPal在新选项卡中打开 或 Stripe在新选项卡中打开。这些支付方式安全可靠,并可在全球范围内进行。