Dipta Alvito's profile

Color Space | Poster

May, 2023

Additive Colors (RGB)
Additive colors are colors that originate from light, known as the spectrum. This concept was born following the discovery of the “color spectrum” by Isaac Newton in 1676. According to the physics of light, it consists of beams of rays that have different wavelengths and frequencies of vibration.

- White light is a mixture of all the wavelengths that can be captured by the eye.
- Gray is white light with less amplitude (weaker), while black, according to its phenomenon, means the absence of light.
- Used by monitors for displays

Subtractive Color (CMYK)
Subtractive color comes from pigments. Pigments are dyes that can dissolve in a solvent. Examples include oil paint, watercolor, poster paint, acrylic, dye, etc. Primary colors come from subtractive color.

- Pigments are made from natural materials (such as animals, plants, soil, shells, etc.) and from artificial inorganic materials, such as mined substances that are chemically processed to become dyes (pigments).
- Used to print media.
© Dipta Alvito
Color Space | Poster


Color Space | Poster
