Courtiers is a creative boutique operating within the cultural sector, focusing on classical music. They design visuals and produce video content for artists and events. Now, four years after its inception, the company is ready to take the next step forward.

What they do has been the cornerstone of their new identity. By using the circle in their logo, we aim to symbolize how Courtiers captures and brings sound and imagery to life. Their iconic fleur-de-lis, which represents royalty, has been redesigned to create a more memorable and appealing symbol, complemented by a solid, condensed typeface for the wordmark. This contemporary approach reflects their desire to position the brand as distinguished and unique—much like their work. To retain a classical feel, we have grounded it with other elements, such as the main typeface and the color palette.




Courtiers is a creative boutique with focus on classical music. They design visuals and produce video content for artists and events. What they do has been the cornerstone of their new identity. By using the circle in their logo, we aim to symbolize how they capture and bring sound and imagery to life. Their icon has been redesigned to create a more memorable and appealing symbol, complemented by a solid, condensed typeface for the wordmark. To retain a classical feel, we have grounded it with the main typeface and the color palette. Courtiers es una agencia creativa enfocada en la música clásica. Diseñan visuales y producen contenido para artistas y eventos. Su actividad es la base de su nueva identidad. Al utilizar el círculo en su logotipo, simbolizamos cómo capturan y dan vida al sonido y la imagen. Su ícono ha sido rediseñado para ser más atractivo y contemporáneo. Para mantener un aire clásico, hemos equilibrado la identidad con la tipografía principal y la paleta de colores.
