Project Overview
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[ EN ]
Lazy Styles is a Japanese lifestyle brand launched by PLAZA STYLE in September 2024, focusing on homewear fashion. Since opening its first store in Tokyo’s Ginza district, PLAZA STYLE has introduced a variety of lifestyle brands to the Japanese market through over 100 offline stores and online platforms.
With this background, PLAZA STYLE aims to elevate its offerings with Lazy Styles, going beyond just a lifestyle goods brand to propose a new way of living. Having a solid track record of producing and distributing diverse products, PLAZA STYLE has chosen loungewear as the flagship category for Lazy Styles. This decision is based on the stable market for loungewear, which remains relatively unchanged and is easy for consumers to select without worrying about others’ opinions. Additionally, it is a familiar product that everyone needs and is accessible to all genders.
[ JP ]
[ JP ]
Lazy Stylesは、日本のライフスタイルブランドであり、PLAZA STYLEが2024年9月に立ち上げたルームウェアファッションブランドです。PLAZA STYLEは、東京·銀座に輸入生活雑貨店としてスタートし、日本全国に100以上のオフライン及びオンラインストアを通じて、日本国内外のさまざまな生活雑貨ブランドを日本市場に紹介してきました。このような背景を持つPLAZA STYLEは、Lazy Stylesを通じて生活雑貨ブランドに留まるのではなく、ライフスタイルを提案するブランドとして更なる飛躍を目指しております。
多様な製品を生産·流通してきたPLAZA STYLEは、新しいライフスタイルブランドであるLazy Stylesの主力商品をルームウェアに選定しました。その理由として、市場に大きな変動がなく安定しているため、周りの目を気にせずに選べるカテゴリーであり、更に誰もが必要とする親しみやすい製品であると同時に、性別に関係なく対応し易いからです。
Project Goal
[ EN ]
Before moving forward, Lazy Styles, the client, wanted to convey that resting (Lazy) is not a negative concept but rather a way to recharge. They wanted to differentiate themselves from the mostly simple and minimal genderless clothing brands in Japan by positioning themselves as a stylish (Styles) brand.
As well as creating a character that would represent the brand, they hoped to make it easy for consumers to recognize it and interact with it. They also wanted to leverage their expertise from previous experiences in character-based businesses to further develop this aspect of their brand strategy.
[ JP ]
[ JP ]
プロジェクトを進めるにあたり、クライアントであるLazy Stylesは、休むこと(Lazy)を悪いこととは捉えず、エネルギーを充電するという意味で伝えたいと考えております。また、日本の衣服におけるジェンダーレスなスタイルはシンプルでミニマルなブランドが多いため、従来のブランドとは異なるスタイリッシュな(Styles)ブランドとして認識されればと思っております。
Cultural Insight
[ EN ]
In Japan, Gen Z has a strong mindset of “not wanting to fail,” leading to guilt over leisurely days.
As a result, when making purchases, it has become trendy to rely on diagnostic tools like body shape analysis or personal color assessments. However, this reliance can create anxiety; if individuals choose items that differ from their diagnostic results, they may worry about being perceived as mismatched by others, preventing them from selecting what they truly like. Survey results targeting this demographic show that many people wear old jerseys or t-shirts from their high school days as loungewear.
As a result, when making purchases, it has become trendy to rely on diagnostic tools like body shape analysis or personal color assessments. However, this reliance can create anxiety; if individuals choose items that differ from their diagnostic results, they may worry about being perceived as mismatched by others, preventing them from selecting what they truly like. Survey results targeting this demographic show that many people wear old jerseys or t-shirts from their high school days as loungewear.
This has contributed to reduced opportunities to go out, disappointment when seeing themselves in the mirror, and lowered self-esteem. Consequently, on days with no plans, they may avoid going out due to feeling underdressed, hesitate to accept spontaneous invitations, or lack motivation to do things at home. The impact of homewear on relaxation days is significant. While Lazy Styles initially didn’t plan to address this issue, the brand was designed with the hope that more people would experience “memorable days,” whether they spent the day enjoying themselves or feeling completely satisfied at home.
[ JP ]
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ルームウェアに関するターゲット世代の調査結果では、高校時代のジャージや古いTシャツを部屋着として使う人が多く、そのため外出の機会が減ったり、鏡に映った自分の姿に失望したり、自己肯定感が低下する現象が生じております。この結果、特に予定のない日には他人に見せられない服装のために外に出ることを避けたり、突然の誘いをためらったり、家でやるべきことがあってもやる気が出なかったりするなど、休む日におけるルームウェアの影響は非常に大きいことが分かりました。Lazy Stylesは、当初の計画にはなかったものの、楽しかった日や一日中家にいても非常に満足できた日など、「記憶に残る一日」がより多くの人々に増えてほしいという願いを込めてブランドを設計致しました。
Logo Design
[ EN ]
To align with Japanese culture and the brand’s vision, we focused on capturing and remembering our moments of relaxation, aiming to create satisfying days that consumers want to cherish. The design is inspired by a bookshelf, symbolizing the collection and documentation of comfortable experiences. The logo represents this brand philosophy by visualizing happy moments at home, stacked like cherished memories on a shelf. It features a modular typeface that reflects the bookshelf motif, with rounded edges to convey a neutral and soft impression. This design choice emphasizes comfort and approachability, which resonate with the brand’s core values.
[ JP ]
形状的には本棚を模しており、ちょうど良いモジュール型のデザインに仕上げました。線の端はラウンドデザイ ンにして、中性的で柔らかい印象を与えるようにしています。
Brand Icon
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For character business development, we selected a culturally resonant cat as the iconic symbol for the brand from several candidates, chosen for its gender-neutral appeal. The design is inspired by the image of a cat lounging leisurely all day. The character features elements that incorporate PLAZA’s heart symbol, shaping the cat’s form.
Key characteristics include a heart-shaped nose, sleepy eyes, and a ribbon at the end of its tail. This design captures the essence of tranquility and coziness, aligning perfectly with the brand’s identity and values.
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[ EN ]
For the brand logo, we chose the Program Nar OT typeface as the main English font, inspired by the bookshelf motif. To ensure readability, we selected Archivo Condensed typeface as the English subtitle font. Additionally, for the Japanese typeface, we opted for Pretendard JP, which prioritizes readability and usability, enhancing the overall accessibility of the brand’s messaging.
[ JP ]
[ EN ]
For the brand logo, we chose the Program Nar OT typeface as the main English font, inspired by the bookshelf motif. To ensure readability, we selected Archivo Condensed typeface as the English subtitle font. Additionally, for the Japanese typeface, we opted for Pretendard JP, which prioritizes readability and usability, enhancing the overall accessibility of the brand’s messaging.
[ JP ]
ブランドロゴのモチーフに基づき、本棚に似たProgram Nar OTフォントを英語のメインフォントとして選びました。また、読みやすさを考慮の上、英語のサブフォントとしてArchivo Condensedを選定致しました。さらに、日本語フォントには、読みやすさを重視しつつ使いやすいPretendard JPを使用することで、ブランドのメッセージがより明確で且つ親しみやすく伝わることを目指しています。
Graphic System
[ EN ]
The graphic system of Lazy Styles is based on a layout reminiscent of the metaphorical bookshelf that represents the brand. The system aligns text, images, symbols, and characters with the brand’s identity.
It is designed to be flexible, enabling easy adaptation to diverse layouts while maintaining a cohesive and appealing visual impression. This approach ensures that all elements work together harmoniously to convey the essence of the brand.
[ JP ]
[ JP ]
Lazy Stylesのグラフィックシステムは、ブランドのメタファーである本棚を連想させるレイアウト形式を基本にしております。テキストや画像、シンボル、キャラクターなど、ブランドを表現するためのさまざまな手法を用い て、ブランドの印象に合った表現ができるようにしております。また、多様なレイアウトへの変形が容易にできるようにシステム化されており、柔軟性と一貫性を兼ね備えたデザインを実現しています。